Healthtech solutions built for and by healthcare providers

Cloud-based practice management solution focusing on productivity tools - creating the perfect patient flow through clinics.


Key features and benefits

Save time on documentation, improve workflow, automate tasks and empower the patient.

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Cloud-based SaaS

Access the platform from any compatible device over the internet.

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Patient Engagement

Empower your patient to actively participate in their healthcare journey.

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User first design

Friendly user interface with advanced features for more tech experienced users.

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Productivity tools

Streamline workflows with collaboration and task management automation.

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Smooth adoption

Transitioning to Leviosa is seamless - users get familiarized with the solution quickly.

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Mutual success

Together, we can streamline your clinic’s operation and reduce administrative burden.

Patient flow through clinic with Leviosa

We’re modernizing patient care by introducing smart technology for clinics.


Appointments & Scheduling

Set up available time slots and allow patients to schedule appointments via the Clinics’ Patient Portal.


Patients answer questionnaires so that healthcare providers can prepare for the appointment.


Clinical Documentation

Seamless documentation experience, allowing the healthcare provider to utilize smart features, giving them additional time to focus on patient care.

Task Management & Automation

Automate routine tasks such as appointment reminders, prescription requests, follow-ups and more.


Patient Portal

Allowing the clinic to take control of patients' journey by giving access to appointments, messaging, medical records, test results, invoices and much more.

Discharging & Invoicing

Smart features and template based billing to easily manage and streamline financials for both the clinic and patients.


Appointments & Scheduling

Set up available time slots and allow patients to schedule appointments via the Clinics’ Patient Portal.



Patients answer questionnaires so that healthcare providers can prepare for the appointment.


Clinical Documentation

Seamless documentation experience, allowing the healthcare provider to utilize smart features, giving them additional time to focus on patient care.


Task Management & Automation

Automate routine tasks such as appointment reminders, prescription requests, follow-ups and more.


Patient Portal

Allowing the clinic to take control of patients' journey by giving access to appointments, messaging, medical records, test results, invoices and much more.


Discharging & Invoicing

Smart features and template based billing to easily manage and streamline financials for both the clinic and patients.

History and founders

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Leviosa was founded by an emergency physician in 2019.

David is an emergency physician with decades of experience practicing medicine, programming and contributing towards clinical software solutions. Matthias co-founded Leviosa, bringing in business, data and management expertises.

The Leviosa team consists of exceptional developers and designers that work in close collaboration with our first hand testers, the healthcare providers - together we are building the tools they deserve.

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Media and publications

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Leviosa raises 1m pre-seed

“Icelandic healthtech startup Leviosa just closed a $1M pre-seed funding round. The capital is committed from existing shareholders, who are all angel investors, and adding over 60 healthcare professionals, the majority of whom are practicing physicians from Iceland and elsewhere.”

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10 incredible Icelandic startups to watch in 2023!

“Leviosa: This healthtech startup aims to simplify the workload of healthcare professionals. The reality is that on a daily basis, healthcare workers are overburdened by workload and burnout is a far-too-familiar occurrence.”

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The Icelandic Medical Journal

400 healthcare workeres

“IN ICELANDIC: Mörg dæmi eru um að sjúklingar bíði skaða vegna úr sér gengins sjúkraskrárkerfis. Þetta segir Davíð Þórisson, bráðalæknir og einn stofnenda nýsköpunarfyrirtækisins Leviosa.”

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Lækna­skortur - nú­tíma­tækni eða fleiri hendur?

“IN ICELANDIC: Árið 2020 gerði hópur MBA nemenda frá Háskólanum í Reykjavík rannsókn meðal 247 heilbrigðisstarfsmanna á Íslandi. Niðurstaða þeirra var að heilbrigðisstarfsmenn verja allt að 70% af vinnutíma sínum fyrir framan tölvuskjái.”

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70% af tíma heilbrigðisstarfsfólks er við tölvuna?

“IN ICELANDIC: Heilbrigðisstarfsfólk ver allt að 70% af sínum tíma í vinnunni fyrir framan tölvuskjá við að skrá upplýsingar, gera beiðnir, skrifa vottorð og þess háttar, sem þýðir að ekki gefst mikill tími til að ræða við sjúklinginn sjálfan.”

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Steypulaus tækni

“IN ICELANDIC: Árið 2013 kom ég heim úr sérnámi, tilbúinn að veita bráðveikum sjúklingum bestu mögulegu þjónustu. Ég varð fyrir miklum vonbrigðum en raunveruleikinn var sá að ég sat mestalla vaktina á bak við tölvuskjá að skrifa nótur og gera beiðnir í hægvirku sjúkraskrárkerfi.”

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Leviosa lýkur 142 milljóna fjármögnun

“IN ICELANDIC: Heilbrigðistæknifyrirtækið Leviosa ehf. hefur lokið fjármögnun upp á 142 milljónir króna. Þátttakendur í fjármögnuninni voru núverandi hluthafar í fyrirtækinu ásamt rúmlega 60 heilbrigðisstarfsfólki…”

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Interview with Matthias (video)

“IN ICELANDIC: An interview with Matthías that was presented at the 2024 Annual Business Congress in Iceland.”


Ready to improve your workflow?

Leviosa is designed to reduce documentation time and administrative burden. Optimize your workflow, daily tasks and empower the patient. With intuitive features and user-friendly interface, Leviosa is a true game-changer for all healthcare providers.

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